Ok, I will do this, but bear in mind…

Carlos Infantes
2 min readApr 8, 2022

Since I started Kenza.DAO, I have been asked by many of you to explain what in the world is Blockchain and the rest of the “things” being built out on top of it (cryptocurrencies, NFTs, smart contracts, DAOs, Oracle Networks, etc…).

When I have had the time and shared the little I know about it, the general response has been something in the neighborhood of:

“holy crap, this is going to totally disrupt my work, … you should write about this or come to give us a presentation… this is important!”

I am not an expert in this field, so I don’t feel I can publicly speak about it, much less lecture anyone. But then again, the beauty of Blockchain is that it is so new that many critical parts are being invented and developed as you read this by people like you and me.

I believe the impact of Blockchain on our civilizations will be so profound that I think, even at the risk of not being totally right or making some significant mistakes, it is worth starting a low-nerd conversation.

So I am starting a series of short articles to share some of the things I am learning and how I see the potential implications in our lives. Please feel free to correct me; I will take any comment as a learning opportunity and a sign of caring on your part. So thank you in advance.

My idea is to create a short piece every weekend, with a preliminary agenda that looks like this:

  • What is Blockchain,
    and why should you start getting familiarized with it?
  • What is a token,
    and what is the difference between fungible and non-fungible tokens or NFTs?
  • What is a smart contract,
    and how will it impact almost everything?
  • What is an Oracle Network,
    and why may it become the next big thing?
  • What is a DAO,
    and why may all organizations have one or even become one?
  • What is Kenza.DAO,
    and how could it be the most effective tool to fight climate change?

I may change the list as I learn new things, so let me know if there is anything, in particular, you would like to get my take on.

